Indoor cycling in the past decade has changed a lot. Years ago, we didn’t have interactive spinning bikes, and data such as power wasn’t as common as it is today. In modern times, we also like to share our workouts with others, and a great way to do that is with the Strava application.
My YouTube video on how to record indoor cycling on Strava!
Many of our lovely subscribers and readers ask us some amazing questions, and one that seems to come up all the time is, “How do I record indoor cycling on Strava?” In this article, we will be telling you multiple methods to do so.
Why Should You Record On Strava?

Before we get into the methods, discussing why you might want to record your rides on Strava is important. Here’s why I think it’s a good idea:
To Track Your Fitness Journey
I have personally always used Strava as a log of my fitness so I can look back on my training later in time. It’s great to see myself staying consistent and strengthening through my training journey.
To Share Your Rides
It’s good to share your rides. Sometimes you don’t know who’s checking out your Strava, and you could inspire others to get on the bike and start training themselves. This also helps you connect with other like-minded people who might share your passion for indoor cycling.
To Analyze Data
If you log on to Strava in workout mode, you can link a heart rate monitor, and you can use this data while riding and after to see how hard you are working. This is great if you want to do intervals or structure your workout better.

How To Record Your Rides On Strava
Now for the fun bit. Here are our methods to record indoor cycling on Strava:
Method 1: Manual Logging
The first and easiest method is manual logging. Using the Strava application on your phone, you can go to record, click the plus symbol in the top left-hand corner, and log a manual ride. This is the simplest way of logging, but it comes with some disadvantages.
This simple way of logging means you get no data. Essentially you are just telling Strava what you have done, which is great as a training log but isn’t going to show off your ride data or how hard you were working.
Method 2: Strava Workout Tracking
Many people don’t know that you can track an indoor workout on the Strava application or a Garmin. You need to load the Strava application, and at the bottom, where you have the bike symbol, click it and change it to workout instead.
Now you can hit record, and it will track your workout and heart rate if you’re using a monitor. This is a great way to go if you want to cycle indoors with Strava and want to have some data to analyze afterward.

Method 3: Connecting To Applications
Finally, the last way we recommend is that you connect to Strava through different applications. I personally find a great way to record a workout on Strava with lots of data is to do the workout in an application such as Zwift or Peloton.
Zwift will translate all the data you need, from heart rate, cadence, power, and much more. This is definitely the best way to go, but it is more challenging to set up and will require a membership to these applications.

A Final Note
Strava is a great tool for logging and sharing indoor rides with friends. Many indoor cyclists want to use Strava but don’t know it’s possible. Now you know it is. Thanks for taking the time to read our article. Ensure to watch the video and subscribe to the channel.